"Connecting with the crowd no matter where we play is huge for us. Bringing them into our world."
Hellaphant is a 4 piece, angst-driven band from London, Ontario, Canada. We don't easily fit into a genre as we are more of a crossover sound. We take influences from all genres and roll them into what we do. We grab the anger and aggression of punk, the feelings of emo, the subjects of metal, rock and alt, and the vocal melodies of pop. Hellaphant grabs your attention right out of the gate and keeps it until the final chord. We play for the song and not the individual. It is an all for one mentality that keeps us in check. The new album "Crumble and Rise" is a ride through mental health, something that plagues us all on some level. From love lost, to death, to anxieties, it's all there delivered via driving beats, loud guitars and hooky vocal lines. The album was produced, recorded, engineered and mixed by Simon Larochette at Sugar Shack in London, Ontario, mastered by Harry Hess at H-Bomb Mastering in Toronto, and released on Faster and Louder Records. It's a team effort through and through, from the cover's line art (John Austin-BBQ Lips), colouring by Chris Machete (Machete Comics), photos by Chris Forrest (who also shoots the band's videos), and additional art by Chris Shary. In the end you get "Crumble and Rise". Welcome to the ride.
Hellaphant is made up of seasoned musicians who have come together because of the music. Singer/guitarist Gary Begner founded the band back in 2020. Focusing on a specific sound that sets them apart from the sound du jour is the goal. Combine pop, punk, metal, alt, 90's skate, and 70's pop, and what you get is Hellapahnt.
Hellaphant has released more than the one album. They've released their debut ep "Crumble", single "Boxed In", as well as cover songs "After Hours' (We are Scientists), and now out "They", Hellaphant's take on the classic Misfits' song "She". They have also contributed to several compilation albums released around the world. Needless to say, they are always working,
Hellaphant is:
Gary Begner - Vocals/Guitar
Jason Watts - Bass/backing Vocals
Jesse MacCabe - Drums
Jason Holmes - Lead Guitar/Backing Vocals
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